What affects your Broadband speed

Rebel Internet does not restrict speeds, so you can fully enjoy the best possible Internet.

Whether you are a Rebel Fibre or a Rebel 115/300/1000 Customer, your Rebel Broadband will never be speed limited, letting you enjoy the fastest internet available at your address. There are, however, three specific types of broadband usage that can impact your overall experience:


  • Using a VPN: VPNs can impact your broadband speed as they may force your internet traffic further away from your home, causing higher latency and ping times. You can learn more about VPN and broadband speed with our dedicated article.
  • Downloading content from servers that are far from your home: You will always notice a slower load time if the website you are browsing is hosted on the other side of the world compared to a website in the UK.
  • Upload Speeds: Rebel uses the Openreach network, which provides upload speed that are about one-fifth of the available download speeds. Therefore, your upload speeds will always be lower than your download speeds. Additionally, there is more demand for this upload capacity, as many IoT devices are constantly uploading, such as Video Doorbells (e.g., Ring), smart TVs or Voice Assistances (e.g., Amazon Alexa) that share this bandwidth.

Our Rebel Fibre Customers can also see their Broadband speeds affected, due to the physical nature of their broadband line, built with copper wires. This can be due to the effective distance between your household and the nearest broadband street cabinet, or in the event of extreme weather conditions such as heavy rains or high humidity. 


You can always check your Internet speed with your HomePass app. If you think something is wrong, get in touch with our Support team. We will help you troubleshoot any potential broadband, optimisation or speed issue. You can also keep an eye on the upcoming HomePass app updates, as they always bring new features built to give you the best level of control over your broadband.