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  2. Tips for Parents

Can I block a website for my children?

With HomePass, you can easily block any harmful or unsafe site.

Want to ensure your children never reach a harmful website? With HomePass, you can easily configure your home network so that your children's devices never display problematic sites or apps. 

First, make sure that you have properly created User Profiles in HomePass, and that devices have been correctly assigned to your registered users. Follow the instructions on how to create individual profiles on HomePass to set up a child's profile with their devices assigned to them. 

Once your kid has their profile set up, you need to start adding websites or IP addresses to your blacklist - the list of websites with forbidden access - and assign the blacklist to your kid's profile. Read more on how to blacklist or whitelist websites, and make sure that any blacklisted site is correctly assigned to your kid's profile or the device your kid is using.

In any case, if you have a doubt or need additional assistance to set up your children protection, don't hesitate to get in touch, our team is always here to help.