What is HomePass Guard?

Your HomePass app comes with a complete security suite named Guard, built to protect your home network and devices. Discover what Guard can do for you.

Guard is your go-to place for network security. Your HomePass app offers a wide range of protection, so that all your devices and users stay safe while enjoying your Rebel Wi-Fi.  


Guard’s protection comes in 4 aspects 

  • Online Protection is a real-time protection against undesired crypto mining malwares, ransomware and more 
  • Advanced IoT Protection protects your home network and connected devices against hackers and cybercriminals 
  • Remote Access Protection automatically blocks incoming connections to home devices until you authorize them 
  • Adblocking allows you to enjoy a better online experience by blocking intrusive adverts.  


To access Guard on your HomePass, simply scroll down on HomePass homepage until you see the “Guard” section.


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Click on the gear icon on the right if you want to activate or deactivate any of the Guard protections.  


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Want to know more? Discover HomePass other features here or have a look at our focus on Adblocking on Guard.